Sunday, December 14, 2014

James Bond fansites take stand against Sony hacking

A group of responsible James Bond fansite edtors have drafted a joint statement agreeing to not disseminate information about the new James Bond film gathered from the recent Sony hacking. I wholeheartedly support this action and add myself to this commitment. Here is the statement in full as published at

Joint statement by James Bond fansite editors
Regarding the leaking of the confidential SONY PICTURES ENTERTAINMENT correspondence and ‘SPECTRE’ script drafts

As editors of the websites James Bond Brasil (, James Bond-magasinet (, The Bond Bulletin ( as well as the James Bond Club Germany (, we, Marcos Kontze, Morten Steingrimsen, Benjamin Lind and Andreas Pott wish to state, that we will not publish or write about any information that has been circulating in media and on the web, and has been illegally obtained from Sony Pictures Entertainment in the recent hacker attack.

Furthermore, we refuse to comment on the content and nature of the above mentioned informations, to divulge this content in any form or respond to any queries regarding to it.

The intention of our websites and the content published within is to inform other Bond Fans about current developments, events and stories from the James Bond universe and not to damage the people who put a lot of work and effort into the making of the Bond Films that we all love and admire. We feel that enough damage and disrespect has been done and sincerely wish Sony Pictures Entertainment, MGM and EON Productions that a swift resolution of the matter can be achieved.

Marcos Kontze – Editor, ‘James Bond Brasil’

Morten Steingrimsen – Editor, ‘James Bond-magasinet’

Benjamin Lind – Editor, ‘The Bond Bulletin’ & ‘Adviser of James Bond Club Germany’

Andreas Pott – President of the ‘James Bond Club Germany’

David Winter - Editor of ‘’

John Cox - Editor of ‘The Book Bond’

Read: Official statement on SPECTRE at


  1. Also 007 Travelers can be added to that list.

  2. Good on ya, man. Accidental spoilers through fans second guessing plot lines on forums is hard enough to avoid without some jerk publishing the actual stolen facts. I'm pleased you're all taking our pleasure in this franchise mutually seriously.


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