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Thursday, January 24, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
HURRICANE GOLD chapter numbering error
Here’s one for the collectors.
Trempo over at the always vigilant CBn Forums has discovered an error in the Hurricane Gold UK hardcover. It appears Chapter 17, Manny the Girl (so noted in the Table of Contents) is mis-numbered as Chapter 18 in the body of the book. The following chapter, Change of Plan, is also marked as Chapter 18.
Printing errors such as these can sometimes have an impact on the value of first editions, especially if the error was discovered and corrected before the first print run was complete. There are several minor errors in the Ian Fleming first editions that substantially effect value.
This isn’t the first Young Bond novel error of note. The first edition of SilverFin stated on it’s title page that the next Young Bond novel would be coming out in October 2005, while an advert for the same book in the back showed a January 2006 release. This was corrected in the 2nd edition. Booksellers on eBay and elsewhere note this error as an important identify “point” for a true SilverFin first.
Trempo over at the always vigilant CBn Forums has discovered an error in the Hurricane Gold UK hardcover. It appears Chapter 17, Manny the Girl (so noted in the Table of Contents) is mis-numbered as Chapter 18 in the body of the book. The following chapter, Change of Plan, is also marked as Chapter 18.
Printing errors such as these can sometimes have an impact on the value of first editions, especially if the error was discovered and corrected before the first print run was complete. There are several minor errors in the Ian Fleming first editions that substantially effect value.
This isn’t the first Young Bond novel error of note. The first edition of SilverFin stated on it’s title page that the next Young Bond novel would be coming out in October 2005, while an advert for the same book in the back showed a January 2006 release. This was corrected in the 2nd edition. Booksellers on eBay and elsewhere note this error as an important identify “point” for a true SilverFin first.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Bonding in 2008 (Updated)
Welcome to 2008, a year that promises to be a HUGE year for the Bond fan. Not only do we have a new film going into production in just a few day's time, but there is an avalanche of new James Bond books ready to pour forth from Ian Fleming Publications and their publishing partners. Below is a list of what fans can expect from the literary 007 in 2008.
Ian Fleming Centenary stamps
The Royal Mail will pay tribute to James Bond starting January 8 when it releases a series of stamps featuring different covers of the original Ian Fleming novels.
German Young Bond releases
February sees Charlie Higson's fourth Young Bond novel is released in Germany as Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist tödlich (Talk is Silver, Silence is Deadly). Book 3, titled Goldenboy in Germany, will be released as an audiobook read by actor Rufus Beck.
The Bond Code: The Dark World of Ian Fleming and James Bond
This unofficial paperback by Philip Gardiner promises to "radically reappraise everything we thought we knew about James Bond and his creator" by decoding occult clues, ciphers, and codes within the Ian Fleming novels. Sounds pretty kooky, but at least it's an original approach to a Bond study. Release date March 1. Amazon.com
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Ian Fleming's other hero, that magical car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang takes flight in a new illustrated collectors edition on April 8.
Double or Die U.S. edition
The third Young Bond adventure finally makes it to America on April 22. Charlie Higson's Double or Die will be published as a hardcover by Hyperion Books for Children and an audiobook by Random House. The book sports cool new atmospheric cover art by artist Kev Walker. "Double or Die is a new start for Young Bond in the states and I’m very excited about its release," says Charlie Higson.
Dr. No radio adaptation
In April, BBC Radio 4 will present a radio dramatization of the 7th Ian Fleming James Bond novel, Dr. No, with Toby Stephens (Die Another Day) voicing 007.
For Your Eyes Only: Ian Fleming and James Bond
This non-fiction book by Ben MacIntyre is set to coincide with the Imperial War Museum exhibit of the same name. For Your Eyes Only: Ian Fleming and James Bond looks at the influences that went into the creation of James Bond. Publication date in the UK is April 7 (Amazon.co.uk) and in the U.S. on April 29 (Amazon.com).
French Hurricane Gold
On April 15 Gallimard Jeunesse will release Hurricane Gold in France under the title Menace sur l'Eldorado (Threat on the El Dorado).
Bound Bond: Ian Fleming & The Art of Cover Design
This exhibit will be on show at the Fleming Collection gallery from 22 April to 28 June 2008. Bond Bound: Ian Fleming & The Art of Cover Design charts the role of artists and designers in creating and defining the Bond look from Casino Royale through Young Bond, The Moneypenny Diaries, and Devil May Care. No word yet if there will be an accompanying book...but here's hoping!
The Moneypenny Diaries: Final Fling
Was Miss Moneypenny murdered? The Moneypenny Diaries trilogy concludes on May 1 with the UK hardcover publication of Final Fling by Kate Westbrook (aka Samantha Weinberg). Amazon.co.uk
James Bond The Authorized Biography paperback
May 1 also sees the first UK paperback reprint in 30 years of John Pearson's James Bond The Authorized Biography.
The Moneypenny Diaries U.S. edition
While Miss Moneypenny takes her "final fling" in the UK, she's just getting started in the U.S. with the long overdue publication of book 1, The Moneypenny Diaries on May 13. I've gotten a sneak peek of the U.S. cover art, and it's spectacular!
Devil May Care
Clearly THE Bond literary event of 2008 is the highly anticipated worldwide release of Devil May Care by Sebastian Faulks ("writing as Ian Fleming") on May 28. Set in 1968, Devil May Care picks up where Fleming left off. "It's the return of the gunfighter for one last mission," says author Faulks. The book is being release in hardcover by Penguin 007 in the UK (Amazon.co.uk) and by Doubleday in the U.S. (Amazon.com). Audiobooks and large print editions are planned for the same day, as are dozens of international editions. Prepare for Bondmaina!
Hurricane Gold UK paperback
On May 28, Charlie Higson's golden 2007 bestseller Hurricane Gold will be published in paperback with slick new cover art to match the other books in the series. It will also contain a preview extract from Young Bond 5.
Ian Fleming reprints
Along with Devi May Care, IFP and Penguin 007 are celebrating the Centenary of Ian Fleming's birth by reprinting all 14 original Ian Fleming James Bond novels in hardcover with new cover art by Michael Gillette on May 29. Click here for the full list.
Quantum of Solace: The Complete James Bond Short Stories
On May 29 Penguin will release a volume that for the first time collects all the Ian Fleming James Bond short stories, including Quantum of Solace, the title of which is being used for the new James Bond film. (Amazon.co.uk)
The Paradise Plot
Titan Books continues reprinting the classic James Bond comic strips with The Paradise Plot due on June 27 (Amazon.co.uk). The collection will also contain the story Deathmask. Lois Chiles provides the introduction.
By Royal Command
The fifth book in the Young Bond series, By Royal Command, comes out in hardcover in the UK on September 4th. The book finds young James battling spies in the Austrian Alps and England. The British Royal Family will also be involved in Young Bond's final adventure. Of all his books, Charlie Higson says this one will be the most Bond-like in themes and scoop and hints that it will echo OHMSS. I'm betting this will be the Bond book to beat this year. Expect an audiobook edition as well. (Amazon.co.uk)
SilverFin Graphic Novel
James Bond returns to the world of the graphic novel in an adaptation of the bestseller first Young Bond novel SilverFin by Charlie Higson. With artwork by Kev Walker, this is a must buy on October 2 (Amazon.co.uk).
The Union Trilogy
Pegasus Books will release a Raymond Benson James Bond omnibus in October 2008. The collection will contain 'The Union Trilogy" -- High Time To Kill, Doubleshot, and Never Dream of Dying -- plus the complete uncut version of the short story Blast From The Past (never before published in English).
Titan Books second release of 2008 is Polestar due November 4 (Amazon.com). No word yet what other stories the collection will contain.
And there WILL be even more...
Ian Fleming Centenary stamps

German Young Bond releases
February sees Charlie Higson's fourth Young Bond novel is released in Germany as Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist tödlich (Talk is Silver, Silence is Deadly). Book 3, titled Goldenboy in Germany, will be released as an audiobook read by actor Rufus Beck.
The Bond Code: The Dark World of Ian Fleming and James Bond
This unofficial paperback by Philip Gardiner promises to "radically reappraise everything we thought we knew about James Bond and his creator" by decoding occult clues, ciphers, and codes within the Ian Fleming novels. Sounds pretty kooky, but at least it's an original approach to a Bond study. Release date March 1. Amazon.com
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Ian Fleming's other hero, that magical car Chitty Chitty Bang Bang takes flight in a new illustrated collectors edition on April 8.
Double or Die U.S. edition

Dr. No radio adaptation
In April, BBC Radio 4 will present a radio dramatization of the 7th Ian Fleming James Bond novel, Dr. No, with Toby Stephens (Die Another Day) voicing 007.
For Your Eyes Only: Ian Fleming and James Bond
This non-fiction book by Ben MacIntyre is set to coincide with the Imperial War Museum exhibit of the same name. For Your Eyes Only: Ian Fleming and James Bond looks at the influences that went into the creation of James Bond. Publication date in the UK is April 7 (Amazon.co.uk) and in the U.S. on April 29 (Amazon.com).
French Hurricane Gold
On April 15 Gallimard Jeunesse will release Hurricane Gold in France under the title Menace sur l'Eldorado (Threat on the El Dorado).
Bound Bond: Ian Fleming & The Art of Cover Design
This exhibit will be on show at the Fleming Collection gallery from 22 April to 28 June 2008. Bond Bound: Ian Fleming & The Art of Cover Design charts the role of artists and designers in creating and defining the Bond look from Casino Royale through Young Bond, The Moneypenny Diaries, and Devil May Care. No word yet if there will be an accompanying book...but here's hoping!

Was Miss Moneypenny murdered? The Moneypenny Diaries trilogy concludes on May 1 with the UK hardcover publication of Final Fling by Kate Westbrook (aka Samantha Weinberg). Amazon.co.uk
James Bond The Authorized Biography paperback
May 1 also sees the first UK paperback reprint in 30 years of John Pearson's James Bond The Authorized Biography.
The Moneypenny Diaries U.S. edition
While Miss Moneypenny takes her "final fling" in the UK, she's just getting started in the U.S. with the long overdue publication of book 1, The Moneypenny Diaries on May 13. I've gotten a sneak peek of the U.S. cover art, and it's spectacular!

Clearly THE Bond literary event of 2008 is the highly anticipated worldwide release of Devil May Care by Sebastian Faulks ("writing as Ian Fleming") on May 28. Set in 1968, Devil May Care picks up where Fleming left off. "It's the return of the gunfighter for one last mission," says author Faulks. The book is being release in hardcover by Penguin 007 in the UK (Amazon.co.uk) and by Doubleday in the U.S. (Amazon.com). Audiobooks and large print editions are planned for the same day, as are dozens of international editions. Prepare for Bondmaina!
Hurricane Gold UK paperback
On May 28, Charlie Higson's golden 2007 bestseller Hurricane Gold will be published in paperback with slick new cover art to match the other books in the series. It will also contain a preview extract from Young Bond 5.

Along with Devi May Care, IFP and Penguin 007 are celebrating the Centenary of Ian Fleming's birth by reprinting all 14 original Ian Fleming James Bond novels in hardcover with new cover art by Michael Gillette on May 29. Click here for the full list.
Quantum of Solace: The Complete James Bond Short Stories
On May 29 Penguin will release a volume that for the first time collects all the Ian Fleming James Bond short stories, including Quantum of Solace, the title of which is being used for the new James Bond film. (Amazon.co.uk)
The Paradise Plot
Titan Books continues reprinting the classic James Bond comic strips with The Paradise Plot due on June 27 (Amazon.co.uk). The collection will also contain the story Deathmask. Lois Chiles provides the introduction.

The fifth book in the Young Bond series, By Royal Command, comes out in hardcover in the UK on September 4th. The book finds young James battling spies in the Austrian Alps and England. The British Royal Family will also be involved in Young Bond's final adventure. Of all his books, Charlie Higson says this one will be the most Bond-like in themes and scoop and hints that it will echo OHMSS. I'm betting this will be the Bond book to beat this year. Expect an audiobook edition as well. (Amazon.co.uk)
SilverFin Graphic Novel
James Bond returns to the world of the graphic novel in an adaptation of the bestseller first Young Bond novel SilverFin by Charlie Higson. With artwork by Kev Walker, this is a must buy on October 2 (Amazon.co.uk).

Pegasus Books will release a Raymond Benson James Bond omnibus in October 2008. The collection will contain 'The Union Trilogy" -- High Time To Kill, Doubleshot, and Never Dream of Dying -- plus the complete uncut version of the short story Blast From The Past (never before published in English).
Titan Books second release of 2008 is Polestar due November 4 (Amazon.com). No word yet what other stories the collection will contain.
And there WILL be even more...
Hail and farewell
...Unfortunately, what won't be around in 2008 is The Literary 007. I've decided to fold the site, but I will leave it online as an archive and update the above post with any new 2008 announcements. But never fear. For breaking James Bond literary news, look no further than The Young Bond Dossier and CommanderBond.net, which even author Charlie Higson acknowledges as "the best informed" James Bond website.
Have a great year Bonding!
Have a great year Bonding!
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