Friday, June 24, 2016

Casino Royale (1959) UK paperback

This is a 4th paperback edition of Casino Royale by Ian Fleming published by Great Pan in 1959. Love the cover art by Peff and the copy on the back. I also like that the grey matches the UK hardcover.

Title: Casino Royale
Author: Ian Fleming
Year: 1959
Edition: 4th Printing
Publisher: PAN Books (Great Pan)

Also seeJAMES BOND UK first edition paperbacks 1955-1979.


  1. It is interesting how visual artists seemed to be incapable of drawing a Beretta .25
    Maybe they are shocked at how small it is and feel obliged to try and make it look bigger. Men have this difficulty with other things!

    1. You know they probably didn't even think about back then, and just drew any old gun

  2. And Bond's hair is not black here, either...

  3. Jay,
    Not so sure about that. As somebody who was around 'back then' I can assure you that for the most part they did try and get things right.
    You'd never see Mickey Spillane depicted with anything but a Colt .45 in his fist.
    I think I'm right in saying that the only UK Bond associated book to carry a visual of the Berretta .25 was the hardcover edition of 'The Moneypenny Diaries'.
    Frankly I think that like Boothroyd, artists considered the .25 to be a ladies gun.

  4. Actually, I have to correct myself, The Berretta is visualised in a fabulous line drawing in the interior of Bentley's special edition of Casino Royale.


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