Sunday, June 23, 2024


Here's a full page from the June 15, 1986, Muncie Star with a review of John Gardner's Nobody Lives Forever. This beautifully captures the world in which the book was released. The review even says that Pierce Brosnan will soon be making his first Bond film, The Living Daylights. Yep. And check out those movies! Like paging through my old Bond fanzines, I love seeing my favorite OO7 books and films frozen in time like this.

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1 comment:

  1. Fun review. And the movie ads do make it a great time capsule.
    'Nobody Lives Forever' does have a self-assurance to it. Not sure it was really the "longest" of the early Gardners as the review states though. More like the Putnam hardcover just made it look that way.


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