Tuesday, July 14, 2020

James Bond ORIGIN Vol. 2 released (maybe)

The second volume of James Bond Origin may or may not be released today. Even in normal times Dynamite's release dates have been all over the place, and the Covid shutdowns have scramble those dates even more. But according to Amazon, the book has a July 14 release, so...

RUSSIAN RUSE: A Norwegian supply ship carrying gold mysteriously sinks. A Russian crew claims the Nazis are responsible. Royal Navy Lieutenant James Bond suspects foul play.

Purchase James Bond Origin Vol. 2 from Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk.

1 comment:

  1. James Bond Origin is the only good thing Dynamite has done since they retooled their comic line. The contemporary Bond stories by Pak and Ayala have been more about pushing minority agendas and have increasingly shown little interest for Fleming's creation. If they can treat a beloved character respectfully, we'd be better off without any new comics.


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