Monday, August 14, 2017

New VINTAGE CLASSICS James Bond covers previewed

Draft covers for the upcoming Vintage Classic James Bond hardcovers have appeared on Amazon. Below are Casino Royale and Live and Let Die. If you click over to the Twitter, you can also see Goldfinger (which is not currently shown on Amazon). Very nice!

Thanks to on Twitter @CBn007.


  1. Sorry, not keen on these at all. They look like Young Bond covers.

  2. I certainly like them better than the current Vintage paperback line. Even though there are a few I love, I generally think it's a mistake to depict Bond himself on the covers. But this works. I'm surprised they're hardcovers though. These definitely feel more like paperback covers to me. Clearly more movie-inspired than book-inspired, but I understand that's the market you have to appeal to.


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