Tuesday, January 28, 2025

IAN FLEMING PUBLICATIONS announce 2025 releases

Ian Fleming Publications has revealed its upcoming releases for 2025 on its website. Among new eBooks and audiobooks will be Talk of the Devil, a collection of Ian Fleming's writing that has only been available as part of an expensive set. The book will be published on April 22 in the UK by Ian Fleming Publications and in the U.S. by HarperCollins.

For the full announcements, click below:


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

LINK: Advance printings: Why I don't think we've found them all...

Another breakthrough post by our friend Peter Crush at James Bond First Editions. This time Peter tells us about advanced printings of the Fleming Bond books. This is all new to me! Click the headline or the image below to learn all about them.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Anniversary BONDS for 2025

HAPPY NEW YEAR and welcome to another year of The Book Bond. Here's a rundown of the Bond novels that will be celebrating notable anniversaries this year. Break out the bookmarks and champagne!


70th Anniversary

Ian Fleming's third Bond novel finds 007 tangling with the megalomanic Elon Musk. I mean Hugo Drax! Moonraker was published by Jonathan Cape on April 5, 1955 in the UK, and in the U.S. by Macmillian on September 20, 1955.


60th Anniversary

Ian Fleming's final James Bond novel was published posthumously by Jonathan Cape in the UK on April 1, 1965. It was released in the U.S. in August 1965, by New American Library.


40th Anniversary

John Gardner took 1985 off, but that didn't mean there wasn't a 007 novel that year...if you knew Jim Hatfield. CLICK HERE for the strange tale of this first unofficial James Bond novel, which turns 40 this year.


30th Anniversary

John Gardner's novelization of the great comeback James Bond film GoldenEye released in November 1995. A rare hardcover edition was published in the UK by Hodder & Stoughton.


25th Anniversary

Raymond Benson's fourth original James Bond novel, Doubleshot, turns 25. The book was published in the UK by Hodder & Stoughton on May 4, 2000. The U.S. edition from Putnam was published on June 5, 2000. 


20th Anniversary

The terrific Young Bond series by Charlie Higson was launched 20 years ago with the first book, SilverFin. Published in the UK by Puffin on March 3, 2005. The U.S. edition from Hyperion was published on April 27, 2005. 


10th Anniversary

Anthony Horowitz's excellent debut continuation novel Trigger Mortis turns ten this year. Released simultaneously in the UK and U.S. on September 8, 2015.

Happy reading!

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