Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Folio Society releases YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE

The Folio Society has released their next illustrated slip-cased Ian Fleming classic, You Only Live Twice.

The eleventh book in the enormously popular Bond series sees the agent fighting not only for his life, but for his very livelihood. The last book to be published before Fleming died, You Only Live Twice contains in abundance everything that makes a Bond novel so thrilling: exotic locations, glamorous women, grotesque villains – while also revealing a little more of what makes the agent tick. Fay Dalton continues her incredible work on this series, with seven gorgeous colour illustrations and a show-stopping pictorial slipcase. Japan makes an especially alluring location for both writer and artist, with Fleming giving Bond a whistle-stop tour of Japanese culture, while Dalton’s bewitching artworks make the most of every lush scene she brings to life. An unmissable volume in one of Folio’s landmark collections.

You Only Live Twice Folio Edition is priced at $69.95 and can be purchased from the Folio Society website.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

CHARLIE HIGSON talks You Only Live Twice

Young Bond author Charlie Higson talks about his first and still favorite James Bond movie You Only Live Twice on the Smersh Pod podcast. It's good to hear Charlie talking Bond again. Enjoy.

For my money, Charlie Higson's Young Bond novels are among the very best James Bond continuations, and I'd love to see him get a crack at doing an adult Bond novel. Maybe this is the right time for that?

Monday, March 1, 2021

Every SIGNET printing of every Fleming Bond novel

Mega Bond book collector Brad Frank recently posted this photo on the excellent JAMES BOND COLLECTABLE BOOKS WORLDWIDE Facebook group. This shows every Signet printing of every Ian Fleming James Bond novel in Brad's formidable collection.

Click to enlarge.

"It adds up to 331 copies of the 14 books. Since I'm still missing about 5 printings, I used duplicates of other printings as place-holders for those. But this gives you a graphic representation of how many printings there were. Still looking for: 

DAF 4th & 28th printings
SWLM 8th printing
YOLT 7th printing
MWTGG 6th printing"

For more on the Signet Bonds check out my posts from 2011: James Bond Signet paperbacks.

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