Monday, October 17, 2016

HAMMERHEAD exclusive from CBLDF

The first issue of Dynamite's James Bond HAMMERHEAD six-part miniseries is out now, and CBLDF (Comic Book Legal Defense Fund) has this terrific exclusive cover that evokes the British Pan paperbacks of the 1950s. Love it!

Bond is assigned to hunt down and eliminate Kraken, a radical anti-capitalist who has targeted Britain's newly-upgraded nuclear arsenal. But all is not as it seems. Hidden forces are plotting to rebuild the faded glory of the once-mighty British Empire, and retake by force what was consigned to history. 007 is a cog in their deadly machine - but is he an agent of change, or an agent of the status quo? Loyalties will be broken, allegiances challenged. But in an ever-changing world, there's one man you can rely on: Bond. James Bond.

It looks like this exclusive might be tricky to track down. I refer you to the CBLDF website for details. You can buy the regular issue via Dynamite.

Thanks to Tanner at Double O Section for the alert.

1 comment:

  1. I have this very copy on my website,
    We only have 1 though! Better hurry!


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