Saturday, December 19, 2020

ESCAPE from 2020!

Ian Fleming Publications used this "Christmas-ified" Fay Dalton illustration from the recently released On Her Majesty's Secret Service Folio Edition as their 2020 holiday card. They've also promised "a few big announcements" for the new year, adding: "Details are still For Our Eyes Only, but expect the return of old friends, some fantastic new allies, and an exploration of Bond’s world from some unexpected angles."

Here's to saying goodbye to the troubles of 2020 and a Bond-filled 2021!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 


  1. Can't wait to see what they have in store for Bond in 2021. Personally, I hope its a return to a modern Bond story.

  2. To be fair they had said that 2020 would be full of surprises. I should think the third and final novel from Horowitz will be announced
