Friday, February 13, 2015

No plans for U.S. print edition of SHOOT TO KILL

Here's some disappointing news for Bond fans who have been holding out for a U.S. edition of Steve Cole's first Young Bond novel, Shoot To Kill. A reader named Derrick contacted Cole's literary agent, Curtis Brown, who had this to say:

"There are no plans at the moment to publish SHOOT TO KILL in the US, so a British copy would be your best way forwards."

This is not to say there will never be a U.S. print edition, but at the moment there appears to be no U.S. publisher on board.

The good news is the UK edition can be purchased on at a 46% discount. Even with shipping, the end price isn't all that different from what a U.S. edition would cost. Also, The Book Depository currently has the UK edition for $16.29 with free worldwide shipping. You can also find new and used copies via the U. S. Amazon Marketplace.

Thanks to Derrick for bringing us this news.


  1. Are there any signed editions? I can't find anything.

    1. They did not do any special or limited signed editions as they've done in the past, but some stores do stock a supply of signed copies. Goldsboro Books in the UK is who I turn to for my signed editions. Always beautiful condition.

  2. Mysterious Bookshop in NYC has some signed copies.
