Thursday, June 30, 2011

The lost John Gardner comic strip adaptations

OO7 Magazine Online recently revealed that at least two John Gardner James Bond continuation novels, Icebreaker (1983) and Role of Honor (1984), were adapted into comic strip form, most likely to run as part of the Daily Express series. Unfortunately, these adaptations appear to have never been published.

Now thanks to OO7 publisher and editor Graham Rye (who owns the original artwork) here's a look at a panel from Role of Honor.

Click to enlarge

Courtesy of 007 MAGAZINE (to view the remainder of the exclusive images of these strips visit and subscribe to 007 MAGAZINE OnLine).


  1. Now THAT would be really awesome if it were published!

  2. That looks a lot like Sean in the 1980's with toupee that actually looks good on him. XD

  3. IT would be awesome if these were published.

  4. Titan should've reprinted these.

  5. I agree, would love to add it to my collection
