Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Closing The Young Bond Dossier

YBD ad art by Evan Willnow
With the release of the two SilverFin special editions and the By Royal Command U.S. paperback, I've decided to cease updating my other website, The Young Bond Dossier. From now on all James Bond news, young and old, will be reported here on The Book Bond.

I started YBD in 2006 after the release of Charlie Higson's second Young Bond novel, Blood Fever, a book I still consider to be the best James Bond continuation novel yet written. Over the course of six years I've has a blast reporting (obsessively) every last detail of this groundbreaking series. Along the way I landed some terrific scoops, and had the pleasure of conducting several exclusive interviews with author Charlie Higson.

The high point came in 2008 when I went to London for the Devil May Care launch and paperback release of Hurricane Gold. It was during this trip that YBD became the official news source for Puffin's own Young Bond website, and also the news feed for the official Ian Fleming Publications website (a real honor!). Best of all, YDB allowed me to get to know Charlie Higson personally, as well as all the good people at IFP, Coleman-Getty, Puffin Books, and Disney-Hyperion.

Whether or not there are going to be more Young Bond novels...I have no idea. But it's clear there just isn't enough happening in the world of Young Bond to justify a dedicated website. Also, the iWeb software I used to create the site back in '06 has not been updated in years and has grown creaky and problematic. So I figured this was a good time to fold things up. Even if we should get news of a Young Bond Series 2 (still my hope!), it will be covered here instead of YBD. So with that I leave you with an optimistic...


With Charlie Higson in San Francisco for the U.S. release of Blood Fever


  1. Thank you for all of the work you do running these blogs. I think too many Bond fans miss out on some very good things by not being more acquainted with Bond's literary legacy.
