Sebastian Faulks tells the
Evening Standard that he still holds out hope for a film adaptation of his bestselling James Bond novel,
Devil May Care.
"One lives in hope,” says the author. “Daniel Craig is a good Bond but I thought there was a little too much running and jumping in the last one and the romance went out of it. It’s time to bring that back.”
From his lips...
For whatever reason, Eon has resisted doing adaptations of the continuation novels, opting instead to borrow elements from the books (Colonel Sun = Colonel Moon) for their own original stories which, frankly, have not been very good in recent years (
Casino Royale is the exception -- of course, that was a book).
It's a shame Eon has elected to ignore this treasure trove of Bondian plots, villains, and titles. Novels such as John Gardner's
For Special Services, Raymond Benson's
The Man With The Red Tattoo and, okay, Faulks'
Devil May Care could be the foundations for truly excellent 007 films.
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